Whatsapp Auto Reply Examples: How to Set It Up?

Streamline Business Communication with our Omnichannel Solution

Akshat Adani

Senior Writer:

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green tickPublished : August 17, 2023

In a world where instant communication has become a cornerstone of our daily lives, platforms like WhatsApp have transformed the way we connect and interact. WhatsApp, a widely used messaging application, has continually evolved to offer not only real-time conversations but also features that enhance our communication experience. In fact, 64% of people have mentioned that they prefer messaging over a call or email.

From sharing text messages to multimedia content, making voice and video calls, and even setting automated responses, WhatsApp has become an integral part of modern communication. This introduction delves into the multifaceted nature of WhatsApp and its role in shaping how we stay connected in today’s fast-paced digital age.

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"When utilizing WhatsApp's Autoresponder feature, ensure your automated message on WhatsApp is concise, polite, and informative. Keeping your contacts informed about your availability fosters understanding and maintains healthy communication habits. However, remember to check your messages periodically to address any urgent matters that might require your immediate attention."

What is the WhatsApp Auto Reply Feature?

The Auto Reply feature in WhatsApp is a functionality that allows users to set up automated responses to incoming messages. When this feature is enabled, WhatsApp will automatically send predefined responses to people who message you without requiring you to manually type out replies each time. This is particularly useful for situations when you cannot respond immediately, such as when you’re busy, driving, or on vacation.

auto responder whatsapp message

Auto Reply can be customized to include a personalized message or information about your current status. For instance, if you’re on vacation, your Auto Reply could inform contacts that you’re away and might not be able to respond promptly. This helps manage expectations and ensures that people are aware of your availability.

The availability of features like Auto Reply may vary depending on the version of WhatsApp you’re using and any updates the app has received. Always make sure to check the latest settings and features within the app to make the most of its capabilities. Also, You can use shared WhatsApp inbox provided by ControlHippo for auto-replies and other additional features.

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How to Setup WhatsApp Auto Replies in Your WhatsApp Business Account?

In WhatsApp Business, you can create several kinds of auto-reply setups to engage customers effectively. Types of auto-replies include:

1. Away Message

WhatsApp Business’s “Away Message” lets you set an automated response when you are not available to respond right away. To get it started, follow these steps:

  • Open WhatsApp Business
  • Tap on the three dots in the top-right corner to access the menu.
  • Go to [Settings] -> [Business settings] -> [Away message].
  • Turn on the [Send away message] toggle.
  • Customize your away message to inform customers about your absence and when you’ll be back.
  • You can also schedule when you want this away message to be sent automatically.
    1. Always Send: Message will be sent at all times.
    2. Custom schedule: Select this when you want to send the automated away messages only during a particular time frame.
    3. Outside of business hours: Messages will be sent outside of business hours.
      [Note: To select this option, first, you need to set your business hours in your WhatsApp business profile.]
  • Lastly, select the recipients to whom the auto-reply should be sent.
  • Save your changes.

That’s it, you have successfully set away messages for WhatsApp business.

2. Greeting Message

In WhatsApp Business, you can create a greeting message that provides an introductory message to customers when they first contact you. To create a greeting message, follow these steps:

  • Open WhatsApp Business
  • Tap on the three dots in the top-right corner to open the menu. 
  • Select Business settings, there you should find an option called [Greeting message]. Tap on this option.
  • Turn on the toggle switch to enable the greeting message.
  • Next Click on Greeting Message and You’ll see a text box where you can enter the greeting message you want to use. This message will be automatically sent to customers who message you for the first time or after a 14-day inactivity period.
  • You can customize the greeting message to welcome customers, provide information about your business, and give them an idea of how you can assist them. Keep it concise and informative.
  • After creating your greeting message make sure to save your changes.

That’s it, you have successfully set a Greeting message for WhatsApp business.

3. Quick Replies

The WhatsApp Business Quick Replies feature can help you save time by creating pre-written responses to frequently asked questions. To set up quick replies, follow these steps:

Steps to Setup Whatsapp Business Auto Reply

  • Open WhatsApp Business
  • Tap the three dots in the top-right corner. 
  • Then, choose [Business settings]. Look for and select the [Quick replies] option.
  • You can choose to start a new quick reply. To begin, use the (+) or (Add) button.
  • Enter a brief word or phrase that you’ll use to initiate the quick reply in the [Shortcut] field. For example, you might use the shortcut [/address] to set up a quick reply for your company address.
  • Enter the complete response you want to use for the quick reply in the [Message] box. This may include an effective response to frequently asked questions, your contact details, or any other details you often share with clients.
  • Now, Simply enter the shortcut in the message input box [for example, (/address)] to use a quick reply while talking with a customer. The quick reply will immediately be suggested by WhatsApp, and you can click it to send the pre-written message.
  • To manage, update, or delete quick replies, you can always return to the [Quick replies] section of your Business settings. This helps to keep your fast responses relevant and updated.

That’s it, you have successfully set quick replies for WhatsApp business.

Benefits of WhatsApp Auto Reply for Businesses

As learned in the previous section, WhatsApp auto reply is a powerful practice for businesses looking to improve customer communication and efficiency. Let’s learn the key benefits of WhatsApp auto replies in brief.

Benefits of WhatsApp Auto Reply for Businesses

  1. Improved Customer Engagement

One of the foremost advantages of WhatsApp Auto Reply for businesses is its ability to maintain continuous communication with customers. 

Whether it’s inquiries about products, service requests, or general questions, auto reply ensures that every message receives a prompt response. This immediate engagement helps businesses appear more responsive and attentive to customer needs, fostering trust and loyalty.

  1. Time Efficiency and Cost Savings

Automating replies through WhatsApp also saves businesses valuable time and resources. Instead of manually responding to each message, WhatsApp auto replies handle routine inquiries instantly. This efficiency allows employees to focus on more complex tasks that require human intervention, such as resolving escalated issues.

Moreover, reducing the workload on customer service teams eventually translates into cost savings. Businesses can optimize their workforce by reallocating resources to areas that directly contribute to growth and innovation. This organized approach not only boosts operational efficiency but also improves overall productivity.

  1. 24/7 Availability

Customers expect prompt responses regardless of the time, and WhatsApp auto replies fulfill this expectation by providing instant acknowledgments and relevant information. In simple words, WhatsApp auto reply also enables businesses to maintain round-the-clock availability, even outside regular business hours.

This accessibility caters to a global audience across different time zones, accommodating diverse customer schedules.

  1. Personalized Customer Experience

The fourth benefit of WhatsApp auto reply is personalized customer experience. Despite being automated, WhatsApp Auto Reply allows businesses to deliver personalized experiences to customers. 

By customizing messages based on specific triggers or keywords, businesses can tailor responses to match individual needs. This personal touch boosts customer satisfaction.

Limitations of Auto Reply for WhatsApp Business

The auto-reply feature on WhatsApp Business is undeniably useful for managing customer interactions efficiently. Yet, they come with several limitations that you should be aware of.

Limitations of Auto Reply for WhatsApp Business

1. Limited Customization Options

While the WhatsApp auto reply feature allows businesses to send predefined messages, the customization options are often restricted. Businesses can set up basic responses for common queries, such as operating hours or contact information.

However, creating highly personalized messages tailored to specific customer needs or queries may not be possible with auto-replies alone.

2. Inability to Handle Complex Queries

Undoubtedly, WhatsApp auto replies are a great way to handle common inquiries or provide basic information. They are designed to respond to keywords or phrases set by the business. However, when customers have complex questions or require nuanced responses, auto-replies may fall short.

This limitation can lead to frustration among customers who expect detailed answers or personalized assistance beyond the scope of predefined messages.

3. Lack of Real-time Interaction

Another significant drawback of auto-replies is their inability to engage in real-time conversations. They operate based on triggers like keywords or after-hours settings. This means that responses are automated and not dynamically updated based on ongoing conversations.

This lack of real-time interaction can hinder businesses from addressing immediate customer concerns or adapting responses based on evolving contexts during a conversation.

To sum up, while WhatsApp auto reply features simplify communication and improve efficiency, these are some limitations that businesses should consider.

Best Practices for WhatsApp Business Auto Reply Messages

WhatsApp auto reply is a great feature to keep your customers satisfied with your services. However, to ensure you get its full benefits, it is necessary that you follow some best practices for WhatsApp auto-replies outlined below.

Best Practices for WhatsApp Business Auto Reply Messages

1. Clarity and Conciseness

Your WhatsApp auto reply message should be clear and concise. Customers appreciate straightforward information without unnecessary details. Begin with a greeting, acknowledge the message, and provide a brief response. For example:

Example: Hello! Thank you for your message. We're currently unavailable, but will respond as soon as possible. For urgent matters, please call XXX-XXX-XXXX.

2. Set Expectations

It’s crucial to manage expectations regarding response times. Inform customers when they can expect a reply or the timeframe within which you typically respond. This helps in avoiding frustration and sets a standard for customer service.

Example: Thanks for reaching out! We typically respond within 24 hours. If your matter is urgent, please call us at XXX-XXX-XXXX for immediate assistance.

3. Provide Useful Information

Include relevant information that may address common queries. This reduces the need for additional messages and enhances customer satisfaction. Include links to FAQs or knowledge bases if applicable.

Example: Hi! Thanks for contacting us. For our store hours and locations, visit [website link]. For product information, please browse our catalog at [catalog link].

4. Personalization (if possible)


If possible, personalize your WhatsApp auto reply messages by including the customer’s name or referencing their inquiry. This adds a personal touch and makes customers feel valued.

Example: Hello [Customer's Name]! Thank you for reaching out. We'll get back to you shortly with the information you need.

5. Avoid Overuse of Technical Jargon

Keep your language simple and accessible. Avoid using technical jargon that might confuse customers. Your goal is to ensure that the message is easily understood by all recipients.

Example: Hi! Thanks for your message. We'll respond as soon as possible. In the meantime, feel free to visit our website for more information.

6. Regular Updates and Review

Periodically review and update your WhatsApp auto reply messages to reflect changes in business hours, contact information, or response times. This ensures that customers receive accurate information and maintain trust in your service.

Example: Hello! Our office will be closed on [date] for a public holiday. We'll respond to your message on the next business day. Thank you for your understanding.

Samples/Examples for WhatsApp Auto Reply

Autoresponder WhatsApp messages can save time and help in better engagement with your prospects and customers. Below are the top 20 examples and use cases of autoresponder examples for WhatsApp.

  1. Unavailable Temporarily: “Hello! I’m currently unavailable, but I’ll respond to your message shortly. Thanks for your patience!”
  2. Weekend Getaway: “Hi there! I’m enjoying a weekend getaway and might have limited access to my phone. I’ll catch up with you on Monday!”
  3. On a Call: “Hey! I’m on a call right now. I’ll get back to you as soon as I’m off the call. Thank you!”Whatsapp Auto Reply Example
  4. Working on a Project: “Greetings! I’m deeply focused on a project at the moment. I’ll check my messages periodically and respond when I can.”
  5. Offline Hours: “Hello! It’s outside my usual working business hours. I’ll be back online at [time] and will reply then. Have a great day!”
  6. Attending an Event: “Hi! I’m attending an event, so I might be slow to respond. I’ll catch up with you later. Thanks for understanding!”
  7. Limited Connectivity: “Hey there! I’m in an area with limited connectivity. I’ll do my best to respond, but please bear with me.”
  8. Personal Reflection Time: “Hello! I’m taking some personal reflection time and will be away from my phone. I’ll reply when I’m back.”
  9. Out for Lunch: “Hi! I’m out for lunch right now. I’ll be back in a little while and will respond to your message then.”
  10. Preoccupied with Family: “Greetings! Spending quality time with family at the moment. I’ll get back to you when I’m available.”
  11. Attending a Workshop: “Hey! I’m attending a workshop and won’t be able to respond immediately. I’ll catch up with you afterward.”
  12. Tech Issue – Delayed Response: “Hello! I’m experiencing some technical issues, so my responses might be delayed. Thanks for your understanding.”
  13. Away for Exercise: “Hi there! I’m hitting the gym for a workout session. I’ll reply to your message once I’m done. Stay active!”
  14. Catching Up on Emails: “Greetings! I’m catching up on emails right now. I’ll address your WhatsApp message after I’m done.”Whatsapp Auto Reply Example
  15. Enjoying a Movie: “Hello! I’m enjoying a movie and won’t be checking my phone. I’ll respond to you when the credits roll.”
  16. On Parental Duty: “Hi! I’m on parental duty right now. I’ll reply to your message as soon as I can.”
  17. Family Celebration: “Greetings! I’m celebrating a special occasion with my family. I’ll respond to your message when the festivities are over.”
  18. Reading Time: “Hello! I’m indulging in some reading time. I’ll get back to you once I finish this chapter.”
  19. Post-Work Relaxation: “Hey there! I’m winding down after work. I’ll reply to your message as I relax.”
  20. Tech-Free Zone: “Hello! I’m enjoying a tech-free zone for a while. I’ll respond to your message later when I’m back online.”

Feel free to adapt and personalize these Autoresponder examples based on your circumstances. You can send greeting messages or stay informative with automated messages. Remember, effective communication and setting clear expectations are key to using this feature on WhatsApp.

Final Thoughts 

The autoresponder feature in WhatsApp offers a convenient and efficient way to manage your messages when you’re unable to respond immediately. Whether you’re immersed in work, enjoying personal time, or facing specific situations like driving or being on vacation, Autoresponder helps maintain effective communication while respecting your availability and boundaries.

By utilizing Autoresponder, you can set clear expectations for your contacts, letting them know when they can anticipate your response. This feature is versatile, catering to a wide range of scenarios, from professional commitments to personal downtime. Its adaptability ensures that you can strike a balance between staying connected and prioritizing your well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can set an auto-reply on WhatsApp. This feature, often referred to as [Autoresponder], allows you to create pre-defined messages that will be sent automatically to people who message you when you're unavailable. It's especially useful when you're busy, driving, on vacation, or engaged in other activities that prevent you from responding immediately.

WhatsApp's built-in Autoresponder feature is available for free to all users. You can access it through the WhatsApp settings. However, there are also third-party apps and services that offer more advanced auto-reply functionalities, but these may come with different pricing models and features.

To send an automatic message on WhatsApp daily, you can use the built-in Autoresponder feature if it's available on your version of the app. Here's how:
- Open WhatsApp and go to the settings menu.
- Look for the [Business tools] or [Business settings] section, depending on your app version.
- Find the [Away message] or [Quick replies] option.
- Create a new message and set it to be sent automatically.
- Schedule the message to repeat daily by selecting the appropriate option.

Updated : July 10, 2024

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