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How to Send WhatsApp Business Notifications?

Streamline Business Communication with our Omnichannel Solution

Supriya Bajaj

Senior Writer:

green tickReading Time: 5 Minutes
green tickPublished : April 23, 2024

WhatsApp Business has become a popular platform for businesses to connect with their customers effectively. One of the key features that businesses can leverage is WhatsApp Business notifications, which leads to higher open rates and engagement. 

In this blog, we’ll look into what WhatsApp Business Notifications are and the requirements to send them successfully. Moreover, you will also get to know the different ways to send WhatsApp notifications and the steps to design notifications. So let’s get started.

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Prioritize important WhatsApp Business notifications by customizing alert tones or using notification grouping features. Regularly review and update notification settings to ensure a seamless and organized messaging experience.

What Are WhatsApp Business Notifications?

WhatsApp Business Notifications are messages sent by businesses to their customers through the WhatsApp platform. These notifications are used to provide important updates, reminders, alerts, and transactional information to customers. They can be highly personalized and are an effective way to engage with customers in a direct and timely manner.

Requirements to Send WhatsApp Notifications

To send WhatsApp Business Notifications, businesses need to fulfill certain requirements and follow WhatsApp’s guidelines:

WhatsApp Notification Requirements

  1. WhatsApp Business Account: Businesses must have a verified WhatsApp Business account. This involves registering with WhatsApp using a dedicated business phone number.
  2. WhatsApp Business API: To send notifications at scale and automate communication, businesses can use the WhatsApp Business API. This API allows integration with CRM systems, chatbots, and other business tools.
  3. Broadcast Message: Users can use pre-approved message templates for notifications and send messages to a list of recipients who receive messages from your business on WhatsApp in their personal chat.
  4. Message Types: WhatsApp categorizes messages into different types, such as Session Messages (within 24 hours of customer interaction), Template Messages (pre-approved templates), and Notification Messages (time-sensitive notifications). Businesses need to use the appropriate message types for sending notifications.
  5. Compliance: Businesses must comply with WhatsApp’s Business Policy and Guidelines, including rules on message content, frequency, and user privacy.

Different Ways to Send WhatsApp Business Notifications

WhatsApp Business Notifications are a valuable tool for businesses to communicate with their customers in a direct and personalized manner. Here are several ways in which businesses can send WhatsApp Business Notifications effectively:

1. WhatsApp Business API Integration

Direct Integration: Businesses can integrate the WhatsApp Business API directly into their CRM systems, marketing automation platforms, or custom applications. This integration enables the automated sending of notifications based on predefined triggers, such as order updates, appointment reminders, or payment notifications.

Chatbot Integration: Businesses can use chatbots integrated with the WhatsApp Business API to handle customer inquiries, automate responses, and send notifications seamlessly. Chatbots can be programmed to send notifications based on customer interactions and predefined workflows.

2. Manual Sending through WhatsApp Business App

Individual Messages: Businesses can use the WhatsApp Business App to manually send notifications to individual customers. This method is suitable for sending personalized messages, responding to customer queries, and providing one-on-one support.

broadcast messages

Broadcast Lists: The WhatsApp Business App allows businesses to create broadcast lists and send notifications to multiple recipients simultaneously. Businesses can categorize customers into different lists based on their preferences, interests, or purchase history for targeted notifications.

3. Third-Party Platforms and Services

WhatsApp Business Solutions Providers: Several third-party platforms offer WhatsApp Business solutions, including API integration, message templates, and analytics. Businesses can leverage these platforms to streamline WhatsApp Business Notifications and manage communication efficiently.

Marketing Automation Tools: Marketing automation tools often support WhatsApp integration, allowing businesses to create automated workflows for sending notifications, promotional messages, and follow-up communications.

4. WhatsApp Business Web Portal

Template Messages: Businesses can use the WhatsApp Business Web Portal to create and manage message templates for notifications. These templates are pre-approved by WhatsApp and ensure compliance with messaging policies.

Bulk Sending: The web portal enables businesses to send bulk notifications to multiple customers using approved message templates. This is useful for sending time-sensitive alerts, updates, or promotional offers to a large audience.

5. API Libraries and SDKs

Businesses with development capabilities can use WhatsApp Business API libraries and SDKs to build custom solutions for sending app notifications. This approach offers flexibility in designing tailored notification workflows and integrating with existing systems.

6. WhatsApp Business Tools and Features

Labels and Tags: Businesses can use labels and tags within the WhatsApp Business App to organize contacts and segment recipients for targeted notifications. This helps in delivering relevant content and group notifications to specific customer groups.

Automated Replies: WhatsApp Business offers automated reply features that businesses can configure to send instant responses to customer inquiries, acknowledgment messages, and initial notifications.

Use WhatsApp Business Notifications For Better Engagement
Connect your WhatsApp Business with ControlHippo For Higher Open Rates and Conversions

How to Design the Best WhatsApp Notifications?

Designing the best WhatsApp chat notifications requires careful planning and attention to detail to ensure they are engaging, relevant, and compliant with WhatsApp’s policies. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to design the best WhatsApp notifications:

How to Design the Best WhatsApp Notifications

1. Understand Your Audience

Identify different customer segments based on demographics, behavior, preferences, or purchase history. Tailor notifications to each segment for personalized experiences. Respect user preferences for receiving notifications. Offer options to opt in or opt out of specific notification types to avoid overwhelming users with irrelevant messages.

2. Define Clear Objectives

Clearly define the purpose of each notification, whether it’s providing updates, alerts, promotions, or transactional information. Include a clear call to action in your notifications to guide users on what to do next, such as “View Order,” “Learn More,” or “Reply to Confirm.”

3. Use Pre-Approved Message Templates

Adhere to WhatsApp’s guidelines by using pre-approved message templates for notifications. These templates ensure compliance with WhatsApp’s policies and provide a consistent user experience. Utilize different template types such as order updates, appointment reminders, payment notifications, and promotional messages as per WhatsApp’s categorization.

4. Personalize Content

Use dynamic variables to personalize notifications with user-specific information such as name, order details, appointment time, or account status. Ensure notifications are contextually relevant and timely based on user interactions, preferences, or previous purchases.

5. Optimize for Mobile

Design notifications for mobile devices with responsive layouts, clear fonts, and optimized media content (images, videos) for quick loading. Keep notifications short and concise to convey the message effectively without overwhelming users. Use bullet points or numbered lists for clarity.

6. Timing and Frequency

Send notifications at appropriate times based on user time zones, activity patterns, and preferences. Avoid sending notifications during late hours or non-peak times. Manage notification frequency to prevent spamming users. Respect user preferences for frequency settings or allow customization options.

7. Visual Elements

Maintain consistent branding elements such as logos, colors, and messaging tone across all notifications for brand recognition. Use visuals such as product images, GIFs, or videos to enhance engagement and convey information effectively.

Start Sending WhatsApp Business Notifications Today 

By implementing these strategies, businesses can leverage WhatsApp message Notifications to strengthen customer relationships, drive conversions, and achieve business objectives effectively. Start sending WhatsApp Business Notifications today to unlock the full potential of customer communication on this powerful platform.

Frequently Asked Questions

Go to WhatsApp Settings -- Notifications -- Business notifications and toggle the option to turn them on.

Check your phone's notification settings for WhatsApp and ensure that notifications are allowed. Also, make sure WhatsApp is updated to the latest version.

The different types of WhatsApp notifications include regular chat notifications, group chat notifications, WhatsApp Business notifications for business accounts, and WhatsApp Broadcast List notifications for sending messages to multiple recipients simultaneously.

Updated : July 10, 2024

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